Saturday, 17 June 2017

'Gardener charged PS1,750 for 1hr job' Man granted bail over alleged scam.


ROGUE traders charged a terminally ill man PS1,750 for an

hour's gardening work, the High Court heard.

Prosecutors also claimed those involved in the alleged scam

distributed leaflets to other homes offering a special rate for


Details emerged yesterday as bail was granted to a 43-year-old man

accused of being at the centre of the deception.

Bernard Larkin faces a charge of fraud by false representation.

He allegedly turned up with two others at the victim's home in

Comber, Co Down, on May 31 offering to carry out gardening work.

The 59-year-old man who lives there with his elderly mother, who

has dementia, was described as vulnerable and terminally ill.

The prosecutor said he was not wearing glasses and mistook the

callers for his regular gardener.

One of the men was said to have replied 'yes' when asked,

'Is that you Ivan?'

Crown lawyer David McClean told judge Mr Justice O'Hara:

"They carried out minor gardening and maintenance work for

approximately an hour.

"Then a male came to the door and requested payment of PS1,750

in cash - that payment was handed over to them."
As part of his bail Larkin, of Artabrackagh Road, Portadown, Co

Armagh, was eanned from being in goods vehicles and from home or garden

improvement work

''A male came to the door and requested payment in cash

DAVID MCCLEAN high court yesterday


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